
All sessions are 60 minutes in length.
Each offer is designed to equip you with tools to integrate into your daily life, fostering lasting change and growth.

Compassionate Inquiry

Uncover, Heal & Transform
1:1 Single Session 65€

Starting with a specific trigger or challenging situation, we’ll gently explore the origins of the underlying beliefs and behaviors that may be keeping you trapped in repetitive patterns. Through compassionate and non-judgmental inquiry, we‘ll uncover hidden barriers, providing a foundation for greater clarity and self-acceptance. This nurturing process can open up pathways for meaningful physical and emotional shifts, enabling you to move forward with more awareness and ease.

Integrative Yoga

Harmonize & Center Yourself
1:1 Single Session 50€

Together, we’ll clarify your intention and I’ll assign you a tailored yoga set, incorporating powerful breathwork, gentle movements, cleansing practices and meditation techniques aligned with your goals. You will receive a recording of the session for continued independent practice, and I’ll be available via text to provide ongoing support and guidance for the agreed-upon period. A follow up call is also included in this offer.

Take the First Step!

Join us for 30-minute meditative group sessions every Tuesday at 2:45 PM CET and for a 1-hour Yoga class every Friday at 10:00 AM CET.

These spaces are open to everyone—no prior experience required.

Coaching Tools

Reframe & Deepen Connections
1:1 Single Session 65€

Work through a challenging situation or conflict, gain perspective, and prepare effectively for a difficult conversation. This session will introduce you to elements of Nonviolent Communication (NVC) and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), helping you navigate tough dynamics with greater awareness, clarity and confidence.

Guided Pathways

360° Experience
• 3 Session Package 150€

Each pathway combines Compassionate Inquiry, Integrative Yoga, and Coaching to deeply support your personal intention with care. 

Rise Beyond Anxiety

Open to Abundance

Cultivate Self-Love

Hold Your Grief

Intentional GiftS

Encourage self-care and offer a transformative experience for body and mind

  • Lareina P.

    — Lareina P.

    “Julie has helped me so much on my journey with Compassionate Inquiry. Going inwards and knowing my body with the additional support of 1:1 Yoga sessions has been a hugely fulfilling journey.”

  • Giorgia Vasari

    — Giorgia V.

    “Julie’s gentle guidance allowed me to go through numerous deep inner journeys without letting fear or judgement get in the way. The inquiries we did together were truly enlightening.”

  • Silvia C.

    — Silvia C.

    “What sets her apart is her ability to adapt each Yoga practice to the unique needs of every individual, all while fostering a beautifully curated, supportive environment where you feel completely cared for.”

  • Véronica M.

    — Véronica M.

    “I’ve seen Julie facilitate discussions with deep care. She’s skillful at creating spaces that invite people to open up and have the uncomfortable yet necessary conversations to transform our lives.”